Conservative Church More Liberal Than First Imagined
In following the political landscape of our neighbors south of the 49th parallel I made a startling discovery concerning the encroachment of Liberalism in many conservative, Evangelical churches. It was an analysis of Liberal politics within the United States that first drew my attention to a pattern of church life that is eriely simular to the American Left's spin machine. Credit must be given to that conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh for pointing out how Liberals function in the arena of ideas.
Basically, Liberalism sways potential proselytes with the empathetic cries, " I feel your pain"; "I see your struggle"; " I know life is hard". It then posits solutions to life's pain and struggles with solutions, that are its core atheistic and socialist. Time and again, history has demonstrated, that where atheistic socialism has been the dominant ideology, despotism, economic ruin has been the outcome. One need not look further than the fall of European Communism along with its step child, Cuba.
However problematic, Liberal solutions might be, the true bane of Liberalism lies in the fact that it cannot allow its proposals and ideas to stand scrupulous examination. The rallying cry by Liberals, is "judge us by our intentions". "Judge us by our goals and desires". "But whatever you do, don't ask if something will work or not". In other words, according to Liberalism, as long as the cause is noble, just and right it really does not matter how we solve the problem even if the solution does not meet the desired end. What is even worse is if the solution proposed runs contrary to founding principles. Anyone who dares to criticize Liberal ideology is labeled cold and uncaring. Our goals are good and therefore our methods must be as well. What does this have to do with the Church?
Many well meaning Evangelical Conservatives have unwittingly subscribed to this non-sense. God examines the heart conservatives will chide. Rightly so! God does indeed have perfect prescience into the thoughts, motives and desires of human beings. Unfortunately, we do not. Those with Liberal leanings will stand up say something like this:
" We need to be people of the book". To which conservatives will say "Amen".
"We need to become filled with God's holiness". Again, conservatives will say "preach it brother".
"We want to become more like Jesus"...." Hallelujah brother" will resound from conservative lips.
All these are good and noble desires that ought to occupy every child of God. We are called to ever increasing holiness, knowledge of Scripture, righteous living, purity in all that we do marked with a love of truth and love for all the saints. But here is where Liberals use bait and switch tactics. The ideas they propose will often call into question the sufficiency and perspicuity (plain understanding) of Scripture. Buzz words to look out for are:
"That passage of Paul does not really stand up to what we know today of science and anthropology".
"That passage of Paul was only his thoughts shaped by his surrounding culture. We need to get beyond his mere thoughts to determine the mind of God".
"That was then and this is now".
"Today's culture has evolved since the first century. We need to interpret Paul in such a way that it does justice to our surrounding culture".
Such litany, and others, are far too common today. That the sufficiency of Scripture is under attack comes as no surprise. It has been under attack since the serpent in the Garden asked Eve, "Has God really said thou shalt not eat of the fruit"? The battle continues to this day. That the battle is allowed to continue within conservative evangelical circles never ceases to astound me.
Typically, the conservative response to the quotes above have been a passive acceptance of doctrinal bilge at the expense of truth. After all, how can you criticize someone who wants to be more like Jesus? How can you impugn someone who wants to become greater in holiness? How dare one call into question the motives of someone who wants to become a person of the book? After all his heart is in the right place isn't it?
Thinking conservatives such as I are not calling into question the heart. It is the head that is seriously troubled and it is the head that we question. All these desires are right, just and good. It is the methodology and doctrine that is in doubt. Error is error regardless of the motives. Tragically, in many quarters, conservatives that point out doctrinal error are labeled, by other conservatives as cold, uncaring and unloving.
Liberalism is alive and well and has captured the hearts and minds of many conservatives under the banner of unity.
We need to stand fast for the truth, lovingly but firmly no matter the cost.
Soli Deo Gloria